
Trade Mark Process Flowcharts

This page archives all the trade mark process flowcharts. Flowcharts in this page are for illustrative purposes alone and only indicates some of the steps associated with the relevant procedures. These do not count as legal advice. Please contact our trade mark attorneys for their expert advice.

Australian Standard Trade Mark Procedure

Australian Standard Trade Mark Procedure
Australian Standard Trade Mark Procedure

In Australia, the trade mark registration process involves several steps commencing with a search and extending beyond registration. Learn more…

Madrid Protocol Trade Mark Application Process

Madrid Protocol Trade Mark Application Process
Madrid Protocol Trade Mark Application Process

An application for International Registration is filed by your trade mark attorney through IP Australia. Learn more…

Trade Mark Opposition Procedure

Trade Mark Opposition Procedure
Trade Mark Opposition Procedure

Any interested third person can file an opposition to trade mark application within 2 months from the date of its publication on Australian Official Journal of Trade Marks. Read more…

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